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ISBN 書名/編著者
Roomates =; 瘋狂室友 /
screenplay, Michael Baumgarten, Kate McKinney, Oliver Robins ; producer, Michael Baumgarten ; director Oliver Robins
淺析廈門餐飲?字號的服務?銷問題和發展建議 =; The analysis on the service marketing problems and development suggestions of the old restaurant brands in Xiamen /
董鑫鑫, 黃輝[著]
被遺忘的戰爭; 朝鮮戰爭
Learan Kahanov導演
麥田圓圈; 異度空間的末世密碼
Terje Toftenes導演.撰稿.主持
Nicolas Boukhrief 導演
葛瑞格.艾坦尼斯(Greg Yaitanes), 約翰.葛雷(John Gray), 金.曼納斯(Kim Manners)導演
4719178902349 : 八年抗戰
Strayed =; 戰火下百合花
FIT Productions/France 2 Cinema/Spice Factory Ltd. ; Canal+ ; Centre National de la Cin?matographie ; Conseil R?gional Midi-Pyr?n?es ; Gimages 6 ; Great British Films, a film by Andr? T?chine
9789577856807 :; NT$300 Between國際空港 /
林俊良, 鑫鑫作